Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles Chapter
Founded in 1958, ABOTA is a national association of experienced trial lawyers and judges. ABOTA and its members are dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the civil jury trial right provided by the Seventh Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. ABOTA membership consists of more than 7,300 lawyers—equally balanced between plaintiff and defense—and judges spread among 96 chapters in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
ABOTA is an invitation-only organization. Members must have at least five years of active experience as trial lawyers, have tried at least 10 civil jury trials
to conclusion and possess additional litigation experience.
Members must also exhibit the virtues of civility, integrity and professionalism by following our Code of Professionalism and Principles of Civility.
Read ABOTA's Constitution and Bylaws.
The general purposes of this Association shall be to foster improvement in the ethical and technical standards of practice in the field of advocacy to the end that individual litigants may receive more effective representation and the general public be benefited by more efficient administration of justice consistent with time-tested and traditional principles of litigation.
Trial By Jury - Your Precious RightAmerica's greatness lies in its people. And in its people lies the foundation of justice -- trial by jury. The Seventh Amendment is a precious right that is increasingly under attack by those who would eliminate justice by the people in favor of justice by the bureaucracy. In 2014, ABOTA founded Save Our Juries, a public education campaign aimed at informing and mobilizing citizens in the fight to save our disappearing Seventh Amendment right, which guarantees a jury trial for civil cases in federal courts. Follow us on Twitter @SaveOurJuries.
Judicial IndependenceABOTA is committed to preserving the independence of the judiciary, recognizing that judicial impartiality and fairness protect against the whims and demands of the government and special interests.
Diversity, Equity, and InclusionA vibrant and ever-evolving democracy demands collaboration by people with diverse experiences and perspectives. ABOTA is committed to increasing equity and promoting persons who have been historically underrepresented in the profession of law and the participation in civil jury trials. We support a diverse, inclusive, and civil justice system through initiatives on education, promoting the right to trial by jury, judicial independence, and the rule of law.