Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles Chapter
Los Angeles Chapter
Hello Fellow Members of LA-ABOTA.
This is my second report to update and inform the Chapter membership of news, recent accomplishments and several "don't miss" future events in April and beyond.
We held our first regular Executive Committee and Chapter Meeting of 2024 on March 20, at the InterContinental Hotel downtown, a new venue for us. Members seemed to enjoy the environs of the covered patio cocktail hour, which led to the banquet room via a disappearing wall. Sincere thanks go out to our supportive sponsors, Network Deposition Services and Executive Presentations.
Our first order of business was to induct eight (8) new members. Congratulations go to: Judd Ross Allen; Sophie Etemadi; Elizabeth Munro Farrugia; Vlad R. Ghenciu; Mark Joseph Giannamore; Casey A. Hultin; Chance J. Pardon; and Jeffrey J. Twomey.
The highlight of our evening was the appearance of our Guest of Honor and keynote speaker, UCLA's new head football coach DeShaun Foster, who gave brief remarks, entertained a full Q&A period, led a rousing 8-Clap and posed for photos with members afterward. Coach Foster said he was thankful for the opportunity to support our ideals. To those several members who expressed interest in supporting Coach Foster's recruitment efforts and overall success, he invited you to contact him at dfoster@athletics.ucla.edu.
LA-ABOTA also achieved a special milestone on March 20. Before the Chapter meeting, the newest "caucus" within our Chapter, Women of ABOTA ("WABOTA") was officially launched at its first reception and attracted dozens of ABOTA members, judges, and other luminaries (all females). WABOTA has been a long time coming and, not surprisingly, the event was hugely successful. Many thanks go to Chairperson Patricia (Tricia) Daehnke and committee member Deb Chang. For those interested in supporting WABOTA, please contact Tricia at patricia.daehnke@cdiglaw.com.
Be sure to check out the great photos of the March 20th Chapter Events by clicking here; thank you to Rick Kraemer for supporting the Chapter by taking pictures for us.
There are TWO important events happening in April. First, tomorrow on Thursday, April 11, LA-ABOTA will sponsor and conduct its second annual High School Mock Trial program at the Mosk Courthouse. This event was a big hit with those who participated last year, both for the students and ABOTA members. Special thanks go out to Mock Trial Chair Dan Kramer, his hard-working committee, Chris Aumais, Rahul Ravipudi and Linda Starr, and the two exceptional panels of trial lawyers who will role-play in the Mock Trial. We hope to show highlights of the event at our next Chapter meeting.
Second, on April 25, 2024, LA-ABOTA will co-sponsor a social mixer with the Mexican American Bar Association ("MABA") at Loyola Law School. Thanks to our sponsors, ATTENDANCE IS FREE FOR ALL ABOTA & MABA members. MABA is the largest specialty bar association in the community. This uncommon event presents our Chapter an opportunity to network, develop referral relationships, and most importantly, increase awareness of ABOTA in the Latinx legal community. No doubt there are many qualified trial lawyers in MABA who either don't know about ABOTA or do know of us but don't regard ABOTA as being sufficiently diverse. Some MABA members may just need a word of encouragement or a contact point to spark their interest.
Colleagues, we have long discussed the challenges to our maturing, mostly homogenous membership and myriad proposed solutions. A major focus of this year's agenda is to promote diversity within ABOTA and encourage greater access to justice. This LA-ABOTA-MABA mixer is an ideal opportunity to serve those goals. I strongly urge our members to attend the MABA mixer, have fun, meet more judges, and trial lawyers than you ordinarily would have, and help promote ABOTA's image in the minority community. Please see the attached flyer regarding the Mixer and register here.
LA-ABOTA's Civility Matters programs are coming along nicely. On March 19, Donna Maryanski and I gave a Civility Matters presentation to students at Southwestern Law School. Later this Fall, LA-ABOTA and the California Coast Chapter will co-sponsor a similar program at Loyola Law School.
New events to add to your calendars are: the 2024 "ABOTA Masters" LA & Inland Empire's Annual Golf Tournament, annually co-sponsored by LA-ABOTA and the San Bernardino/Riverside Chapter. That always fun event is now confirmed for July 1, 2024 at the Candlewood Country Club in Whittier, and be sure to save the date of July 25 for our annual Judicial Reception and Judge of the Year Award ceremony on the rooftop of the downtown Jonathan Club.
On a point of concern, National ABOTA recently released the names of ABOTA members across the country who neglected to pay their annual fees by March 31. Those members' accounts are now suspended. Members who fail to pay their dues by October 29, 2024 will have their memberships terminated, so please submit those late payments now to avoid further issues. For those in arrears, other Chapter members or administrative staff may call or email you with a gentle reminder.
On a more concerning note, our Chapter has sent a letter of condolences to the Las Vegas ABOTA Chapter, whose chapter past president, Dennis Prince, and his wife were tragically shot and killed at a deposition Monday by another lawyer.
Please consider contributing quality items for our silent auction at our holiday party. Anyone with a valuable item or service they'd like to donate to the cause of preserving our right to jury trial should please contact Nathalie Rosen (nrosen@rosensaba.com), or me (jrosen@rosensaba.com), and/or secure the item(s) themselves.
That's this month's report. Thanks again for your continuing commitment and support.
James Rosen
Los Angeles ABOTA 2024 President